Here you are…you have arrived…you are here…This is your moment…
What do you have…‘Pain’…
You have everything…but you haven’t...you have NOTHING…
Everything is right…no..everything is wrong…
It’s disappointing…it’s confusing…this is ‘Life’…
What can you do?
People keep going away from you and that hurts…
Work…work…you have a gift…use it…
Life…life will be there later…
When you’ve worked…you’ve lived…you know who you are…then life will be easier…
‘Work’…it’s the only answer I know…
The only thing you have to remember is that its not about you…its not You they're looking at…cause if you think its about you then you’re screwed you know…you have to stay separate from what’s happening…you have to be some place else…but I don’t know where that somewhere else is or how to do that…you now…
If I could have children of my own…I would tell them that they don’t have to be anybody…cause I would know…that being somebody doesn’t make you anybody anyway…