Sunday, July 5, 2015

Love Breaks Hearts (Nothing to lose Nothing to keep)

My relationship with sorrow is my Business
When I cry myself off to sleep that's my Safe...
Needless to say, Love rules my Life
Always puts me in grief too and Loneliness

It's painful rather torture to see the silence thats falls between us tonight

It crawls on my skin like Darkness
The White Noise deafens me and you
Trying to sober down but your heat lures me into self-worthlessness

And now the Anger has gone

All I'm left with is some guilt and pain
No way to Relief
No sense of completion
I get no Closure

The series of occurrences that have followed me in the deep

My pillow lies drenched from the night full of weeps
The Pain starts to fade as I put myself to sleep
Into Circles of Dreams my mind tends to leap
The Dreamcatchers try to protect me as I give in
Nothing to lose Nothing to keep...

The theory is the story of life

The moment you lose interest in anything you wish to keep forever
It becomes the reason for it to come back to you
But I'm afraid as I see what I see
As I know there is Nothing to lose
Nothing to keep.