Thursday, May 13, 2010

But I'd rather be this...

When I look at what most of my other friends have made out of their lives..
I feel I left so many things behind
I feel I could've been Pretty if I took better care of myself,
I could have had more fun if I wasn't here
and I could have fallen hard on the ground hard a little fewer times !

They all look so Pretty
They have No Worries
They have Nothing to be stressed about

They don't have any major deadlines
They can do all the things in the world and still have time to do more
They can go out every night not having to worry about what they have to do the next day

But if I really did all that, I would be Empty...
I would feel hollow and incomplete.
I had to make those mistakes,
If I wouldn't, then I wouldn't be the person that I am today.

If I couldn't Fly a Plane...
I wouldn't be a Pilot
And if it wasn't this way...
Then I wouldn't be "

I am not 
"Pretty" I've never been "Happening"
I would rather hide my face underneath my 
Bose Headsetsthan be the Talk of the Town!
I would rather have a few good friends, than having a whole lot others who'll mean nothing.

 Yes, I could be that exact same person. But, I'd rather be this, I'd rather be this...

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